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What's New & Different for 2019

Eligibility Timeframe

  • Eligibility for the 2019 Stevie® Awards for Women in Business extends from July 1, 2018 through September 18, 2019, the last day that late entries will be accepted.  Nominations should cite achievements during this eligibility window.  Apps, videos, marketing, and PR campaigns premiered since that date are eligible to be entered.  There is no eligibility timeframe for web site and app entries - it doesn't matter when web sites or apps were first published.

Entry Deadlines

  • There are three entry deadlines, including an early-bird deadline by which the entry fees are discounted:
    • July 17: Early-bird entry deadline - entry fees discounted by $35
    • August 21: Entry deadline
    • September 18: Last day that late entries will be accepted with payment of $55 late fee

Entry Fees

  • Entry fees have been increased $10/entry from last year.  There are still quite a few categories that have no entry fees, however.

Revised Submission Requirements

  • New for 2019, you may now submit a video instead of a written essay for all categories.  In most cases the video may be up to five (5) minutes in length.  For the Media categories the video may be up to three (3) minutes in length.