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How to Submit Winning Entries

Follow these simple steps to ensure that you submit entries that are worthy of receiving a Stevie® Award: 

1. Subscribe to the Free Stevie Awards Email Newsletter

The weekly email newsletter is the best way to stay informed about entry deadline extensions, new categories, and other announcements from the organizers of The Stevie Awards.  We have a very strict privacy policy, so we will not share your email address with anyone else for any reason.  Click here to learn more.

2. Request an Entry Kit

The entry kit contains everything you need to know to be able to prepare and submit your entries.  Click here to request yours.

3. Determine Who or What You Want to Nominate, and in Which Categories

Decide which individuals, departments, teams, achievements, or new products & services in your organization that you will nominate, then select the most appropriate categories for those entries.  Contact the Stevie Awards office with your questions about the most appropriate categories, entry fees, and so on.  Our phone number is +1 703-547-8389, and our email address is

4. Prepare Your Entries

Stevie-winning entries are:

a. Well-written.  They are terse and succinct.  Their tone is modest, even when describing the most impressive accomplishments.
b. Focused on a few accomplishments.  Describe in detail just a few accomplishments, instead of listing many accomplishments in brief.

Stevie-winning entries are not:

a. Fluffy and hyperbolic.  Avoid flowery language and overblown claims.  The judges tend to deduct points for immodesty.

5. Submit Your Entries By the Entry Deadline

There's an early-bird deadline of October 16, 2019, through which entry fees are discounted.  The final entry deadline will be November 13.  Late entries will be accepted through January 9, 2020 with payment of a $55 late fee per entry.

6. Participate in the Judging Process

Apply to be a judge.  As a judge you will be able to see the entries submitted by many companies around the world, and you will develop a better sense of the types of entries that judges score highly.  (You will not be allowed to judge entries in categories in which you have submitted entries, however.)  Click here to complete the application form.

If your application is accepted you will be assigned categories based on your function and experience.  As a judge you will be able to judge as few or as many nominations as you like, at your convenience, over the Internet in November-January.